Monday, September 9, 2013

We all scream for ice cream!

Earlier this summer I bought an ice cream maker. When I received my Cooking Club magazine a few weeks ago and saw that it had ice cream recipes, I decided it was time to test it. Instead of making the ice cream with buttermilk and half-and-half, I only used evaporated milk. I've made two different batches. The first batch I made was peach-mango and the second batch I made strawberry rum raisin. The strawberry rum raisin was inspired by the Häagen-Dazs rum raisin ice cream.

Homemade peach-mango ice cream

3 medium sized peaches, chopped
1/2 mango, chopped
1 can of evaporated milk
1/3 cup of packed brown sugar
3 tablespoons granulated sugar

Pulse ingredients, then blend until smooth. The mixture will be thick. Transfer to ice cream maker container and place in refrigerator or freezer to chill. Make ice cream following manufacture's directions. Since the mixture is thick, it will freeze into a consistency that is thicker than soft serve, but will become hard when placed in the freezer. (If you prefer hard ice cream, just transfer it to the freezer after it has gone through the ice cream maker.)

Adapted from Cooking Club Magazine Summer 2013

Homemade strawberry rum raisin ice cream

1 16oz container of strawberries, chopped
1 can of evaporated milk
14 tablespoons of granulated sugar*
1/2 cup white rum
1 cup of raisins*

Soak raisins in the rum for at least one hour. While raisins are soaking, blend ingredients and transfer to ice cream maker container. Chill in refrigerator or freezer. Make ice cream following manufacture's directions on your machine. When the ice cream is ready, mix the raisins in. Because of the alcohol, the ice cream may not be completely frozen. This ice cream will remain soft ,the consistency of a thick milkshake,--it will not freeze into a hard block.You can also reduce the amount of rum or add it during the final minutes of churning in order to have a harder ice cream.

*The amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste. The raisins can also be omitted or the amount reduced.